Sunday, April 5, 2015

Why ArtISability?

The Aussie larrikin in me said, ‘Why not?’ Three years ago my life was turned upside down and when was told ‘I might die!’  If anyone knows the value of life it is me.  This handed me the perfect opportunity to revaluate my life.
I was taking time out, on an art and craft camp when people said, OMG you could sell that. Back then it was the most ridiculous thing that I ever heard. . .  My first solo art exhibition opens in six weeks.  Today, I run my own small business mentoring other artists with disabilities and mental illness.  Why not?
I am proof that disability does not limit the boundaries of creativity. If you were visit our end of semester student exhibition at the Brisbane Institute of Art, my artwork is only identifiable by its label and unless you know me, by name there are no clues to reveal my disability.  This is my dream; when the names of the artists are mentioned, an association to their work is made not their disability.    

Unless we challenge the boundaries we will continue to define by them.

After our highly successful pilot in 2014 we expect big things to happen in 2015!

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