Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Who are we?


A Visual Arts Professional Development Program
For people living with disability and mental illness. 

Art Exhibition by artists living with disability 
including mental illness.
Hosted by Ipswich Arttime Supplies 

We support visual artist to establish their individual art practices in the community in which they live.  Our program is designed for emerging artists and our artists are encourage to take out memberships with other organisation who can support them in their individual journries.

Such as the Ipswich Art Society, Arts Connect, Access Arts and Arts Access Australia.  In 2014 we have partnered with the Ipswich City Council, Arts Queensland, Access Arts, ALARA Queensland, Arts Access Australia, Disability Community Awareness, Ipswich Art Time Supplies, Toowoomba Advocacy Community Services, Regional Arts Development Fund, Australian Services & Distribution to present our programs.

We offer two main programs:-

  • Foundation Stones Program
  • Stepping Stones Program

Foundation Stones Program

Is our introductory entry point program. It is open to:-

  • Those artists with any type of disability, medical condition or metal illness. ( A medical diagnoses is not needed to join our program.)
  • Those who are disadvantage in the establishment of their art practice due to disability.
  • Those needing support to develop there art practice.
  • Those over the age of 18
  • Artists who can demonstrate a strong understanding is visual arts with clearly stated artistic goals for the future.
Nick has been selling his art in a variety of settings since 
joining us at ArtISability and most recently entered
work in our ArtISability Unmasked Exhibition.

We support Nick in his ongoing development as
an visual artists as he struggles with several
communication disorders. However Nicks
artistic ability speaks for itself.

Foundation Stones Program focuses on skills development in a supportive non judgmental learning environment.  Through the employment of professionally recognized artists who can provide mentorship to our artists.

Skills Development in 2015 will include:

  1. Artistic Skills Development
  2. Skills needed to present as a professional artists.
  3. Professional Develop skills
  4. Skill needed to develop a supportive artist network
  5. Personal Development skill to increase the artist confidence. 
As you can see our foundation stones program is designed to prepare artists for entry into their local arts community and not recommended for beginners.

Our Stepping Stones Program is design to support our artists to access the visual artists community. To date we have:-

  • Assisted with transport
  • Supported ongoing artistic skills development
  • Supported artists to visit art galleries
  • Supported artists to enter art competions
  • Supported artists in learning to nuy their own art supplies including budgeting.
  • Supported collaborative art exhibitions and sale of artwork.
  • Provided advcacy as needed 
  • Provided on going mentoring. 
We are always open to providing the type of support artist needed.  So always asked.  However we are not going to do your work for you. 

ArtISability Unmasked 2015
Provided 4 Artistic skills development workshops
for people living with disabilites and mental illness
Allowing them to better understand,
 "what ArtISability can offer".

Other Programs

From time to time we provide other programs that allow people will disabilities to experience what ArtISability is! Such as ArtISability Unmasked. 

We are keen to extend our advocacy roll in 2015 which includes providing Disability Awareness Training to the arts community.

If you are interested in applying or referring someone to artISability in 2015 contact us using the tool bar on the right.  


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