Monday, May 5, 2014

Access All Areas

Accessing All Areas

The human rights of people living with a disabilities are the same as anybody else living on the plant. The UN Commission has increasingly become concern with the human rights of people living in Australia with disabilities in regards of their ability to access all areas of society. All members of the human race have the right to access all buildings, places of public interest, employment, education, transport, sport and recreation, governments, legal representation, information, technology etc.

As such all governments, businesses, organisations, clubs, venues and groups are required to develop disability access plans to enable Australians with disabilities to fully participate. As we develop our Disability Action Plan at ArtISability, we are committed to enabling artists to achieve the goals and ambitions, rather than deliver programs designed for them. As such it is hoped each program can be designed to meet the needs of those wanting to participate. Where possible we promote choice.

However everything has boundaries and for us it is our ability to fund of programs and attract professional staff to fun them.  We would love to have an unlimited budget to create fully accessible venues in every way but we can’t. At best we provide bridges over some of the barriers artists with disabilities face. In the main this is through paying support costs associated with an artist attendance.  For example during our pilot program we were able to provide 3 artists with one on one support to attend our workshops.  If we have a deaf artists participating we might employ a ausland interrupter.

Access for artists with disabilities is no longer about access to buildings and appropriate amenities, in encompasses a whole range of needs as described above. For more information you can read our Disability Action Plan.

Our Disability Action Plan seeks visual arts industry, whether they are contracted to work for us or participating in the program. This includes physical access to buildings, access to printed information, access to digital information, access to audio information, access to learning, both formal and informal, behavioural support where appropriate,  support to interact with others, access to arts funding and to be assisted by art workers, and access to transport.

Even where appropriate accessible venues can be secured, many venues remain inaccessible to artists living with disability. Particularly where artists are severely restricted mobility, neurological conditions such as epilepsy and visual impairments.   Often people living with these disabilities require a taxi to enable them to individually access the community. Traditional arts funding does not enable us to assist our artists in this area. However our Disability Action Plan identities this one of the most difficult barriers for our artists to overcome.

Currently ArtISability is sell pens to raise money to assist our artists to access all areas they need to established their careers. ArtISability is currently assisting six artists with a range of disabilities to connect to the Ipswich arts community.  By buy one of our pens you can assist our artists to sign their names on their completed artworks.
Writing our Artist’s Name
Into art history books of the world!

ArtISability Pens $ 6
Help assist our talented artists to access all. Areas.
Email orders to Debbie

Payment By PayPal Welcomed

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